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i will update it everytime i make a trade, please PIN it if its possible, thanks
cool - should be interesting watching. good luck.

shano, you wanna give an overview of what you are doing? I think this was explained to my by a substitute teacher, but i have forgotten.

Might be a good way to get our Underground Facility (inside joke) hah!
every step is a step in the right direction to get our Underground Facility. my only question is where are we going to get enough paint to redo the whole place.
any updates?
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here you go, lol whats this talk of the Underground Facility?
QUOTE (shanoballs @ Apr 2 2004, 05:34 PM)
whats this talk of the Underground Facility?

Back on the temp boards, someone posted a link to an eBay auction of a huge underground ex-military (or I think it was) complex. It was selling for like 12 million dollars or some outrageous amount. Anyone have the link laying around or something?
why did you buy HEC at .98 and sell it a .9 :S
HEC and EAG were mistakes, you tend to make them when your new in this field, but i learned from them, i'm reconsidering my ECGI position, i learn something new everyday, so the more i learn, the more i see the things wrong with the stocks i buy, therefore my positions change. but SVNX is pretty much what i'm about, great fundimentals, strong track record, 0 debt, good cash per share ratio,


check out the key statistics, notice the debt = 0 and total cash = 15.18 mil, also the float is only 2.50M shrs, and Cash per share is 2.54, these are the fundimentals for sucess according the William J. Oneil
Back on the temp boards, someone posted a link to an eBay auction ...

It wasn't just someone Twine. It was our very own Pimp. And boy were we close to buying it! We were jut $11,999,950,- short. Btw Boss has a special interest in it coz he and Songi were offered an exclusive room in it to soort out their differences.
QUOTE (PimpScourge @ Apr 3 2004, 12:36 PM)

Doh, I was way off with the price. Personally, I'm surprised it already hasn't been purchased.

That would be awesome though. It even still has the barbed wire fence intact and is "Built to withstand a 1 MEGATON blast within 3,000 feet and survive." Then the Nforums really would live forever! biggrin.gif
What happened to your portfolio? Are you rich yet?

actually shane had a sick gain like 3 weeks ago , something like 7 thousand, but lately its been steady, ill Hit up shane , to tell him to update
hey sorry guys, just been busy, i did gain a bit over the last few weeks, i just havent had any time to do it full time, but will update soon, i'm currently playing small sub penny stocks along w mike (FXP7) if things go good, me and mikey should be in million dollar ranges in no time, thanx for ur interest, good luck!
SVNX closed at $3.04 today. dry.gif

what is happening in this thread?

Shanoballs actualy went on vacation in July, and when he went he lost alot of money...

I dont remember how much but it was something like 12-15k down to 2-4k, then he got a job so he doesnt really have time to trade stocks, even though he does using orders.
SVNX was trading at $3.63 at the time of this writing.
He made alot of mistakes.

1.Should always buy low/sell high
2.Should research the companys Highest & lowest point & try to buy at whatever its lowest was or close to it.

example:ECGI hit its lowest at under .25 in 03/03; so the stock should of been on the "watch" list untill it reached at least .5 and under. He bought when it was going up not down.
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